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Making Outgoing Calls with Your FlyNumber

· 2 min read
Nader Jaber
Head Honcho @ FlyNumber

We get a lot of people who ask if they can make outgoing calls with their FlyNumber, technically you’d need to connect to some sort of SIP/VOIP provider to handle outgoing calls from your SIP client or VOIP phone. If you have Skype then you’d just use Skype to make the outgoing calls.

But what if you just want to call your Uncle in Brazil and not just receive calls from him. Or perhaps call back potential customers.

Now you can.

Here’s how…

So lets say you have a Brazil local phone number ( Forwarded to your US Cell number) so your family and friends can call you from Brazil. What you’d do is buy them a U.S. number and have it forward to their local landline or Cell phone in Brazil.

So now you have a Brazil number for your Uncle to call you anytime and a US virtual number you can call that will connect directly to him in Brazil. All this without Calling cards, PINs, “access numbers”, VOIP phones, SIP phones, Smart phone apps etc.

Just dial your respective FlyNumber from any phone and it works.

There literary isn’t a simpler way to keep in touch.