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10 posts tagged with "Updates"

Posts about system updates, new features, and changes to our services. These articles keep users informed about improvements and modifications to our platform.

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Major update to our phone system

· 4 min read
Nader Jaber
Head Honcho @ FlyNumber
Illustration showing three people with laptops and mobile devices connected to a central cloud, surrounded by trees in a vintage woodcut style

It's amazing to think that it's been over a decade since we first released our beta phone system in 2012. Back then it required Adobe Flash and was free for everyone, unfortunately those days are gone. (original users were grandfathered into the new system free for life though).

The phone system has also come a long way since the last major update in 2021. This latest release represents the most significant changes we've implemented since that time.

The biggest change is probably the phone system app - and while I could list out all the features, what interests me more is how it changes the way we think about business phone systems.

Our new phone system has been released

· One min read
Nader Jaber
Head Honcho @ FlyNumber

We're excited to finally bring you the new phone system. It's HTML 5 based so there is no need for adobe flash (as required on our older system)

If you're currently a customer or you sign up before Mid June 2021 the PBX/ Phone System is included in the price of the phone number.

There are truly too many features to list.

Here are some ...

Call Menus
Phone Number forwarding
Time-Based routing
Phone-Number based routing
Call Recording
Queue phone calls
Create SIP Accounts

What the future holds

· One min read
Nader Jaber
Head Honcho @ FlyNumber

Since the site upgrade I haven’t really had a chance to write anything- super busy around here. It would seem our techs got all the bugs out. All links should work and orders renewing on their own should be ok as well. The site is run using a cache so if you haven’t cleared your cache in the last week and still have issues logging in I would try clearing your cache.

New site Up

· One min read
Nader Jaber
Head Honcho @ FlyNumber

We thank everyone for their patience. The new site is up and running.

(Keeping this post up for historical and nostalgic reasons 😊)