Phone numbers from over 70 different countries.

Thousands of local area codes and prefixes.

Find out if a number has SMS enabled, needs registration and more.

Illustration of a globe with pins marking locations across different continents, symbolizing global presence or international connections.

Select a Country


F Free incoming when you answer with VoIP
I Has incoming per min rate (e.g. Toll-free)
S SMS enabled (incoming)
R Registration required
X Fax enabled (T.38)


Want to know more about a specific phone number? Visit our main phone numbers' page.

  • Select your country of interest
  • View local area codes and prefixes
  • Check registration requirements (if applicable)
  • Learn about features as it pertains to VoIP, call forwarding, our cloud PBX and more
  • Other country/city specific information
Illustration of a curious blue bird wearing a scarf and jacket, holding a magnifying glass with an inquisitive expression.