📄️ App Overview
The FlyNumber phone system app is the quickest way to start making and receiving calls. This free app turns your device into a powerful business phone system with features like multiple number support, push notifications, and harmonious integration with your FlyNumber account.
📄️ App Configuration
There are two ways to set up users for the phone system app. You can either configure an existing user or create a new one.
📄️ Making & Receiving Calls
The phone system app makes it easy to handle all your business calls. Once you've set up your app configuration, you can:
📄️ App Contacts
The Contacts section in the FlyNumber phone system app allows you to manage both external contacts and team members. You can easily search, organize, and initiate calls directly from your contacts list.
📄️ Call History
The Call History section provides a comprehensive view of your calling activity, including both recent and failed calls. This feature helps you track all call interactions and manage any calls that need follow-up.
📄️ App Settings
The Settings section allows you to update your profile, submit support requests, or sign out of the application.